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Mobile Campaign Tools

Our Mobile Campaign Tools package eliminates the printed walk-list in favor of smartphones, although printed walk-lists can be created using our Desktop Campaign Tools. The campaign sets the criteria for canvassing (such as age, gender, race, part lean, vote history, etc)  during setup.

Canvassers are then presented with voters near their chosen location and provided household information (vote history, party lean, persons in the household, age, etc) in preparation for knocking on the door or making a phone call.  More importantly, canvassers can enter notes and tag the voter by issue or other tags defined by the campaign.  Those tags can be "sign in yard", "will host a coffee", "will phone bank", or any other desired indicators.

The information entered via the mobile apps integrates with the Desktop Campaign Tools system, providing seamless integration of all collected data. This combined data can then be utilized to follow-up with potential supporters by phone or mail, deliver signs and materials to interested voters, contact potential volunteers, and Get Out The Vote (GOTV) activities.